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Showing posts from December, 2018

Block and replace therapy (hyperthyroidism)

                                                                                                                    Dear Readers,        Hyperthyroidism is a condition where your T3 and T4 level is higher than required. What is T3 and T4? T3 known as triiodothyronine and T4 as thyroxine. What make them different? The only different is the Iodine attached the main chain. T3 with 3 Iodine meanwhile T4 with 4 Iodine. T3 is 4times more potent than T4. T.levothyroxine is synthetic version of T4 and T.liothyronine is synthetic version of T3. T.liothyronine not known by alot of people due to availability. T.liothyronine sold in the brand name cytomel and availability asian region is less.   Titration method majorly used to treat Hyperthyroidism, where increase according to patient response for 1 year period. The drugs used in this threapy is is Carbimazole, Methimazole and propylthiouracyl (PTU). PTU is favorite is pregnancy and thryrothoxicosis. First trimester PTU is the safest and af